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作者:來源:弘成教育集團(tuán)發(fā)表日期:2008-12-16 17:41:12

1.It was so dark that ___anything.

A hardly could we see;    B hardly we could see;
C we could hardly see;    D could we hardly see

2.We must not rule  ___the possibility of miscalculation.

A away;    B up;    C out;    D off

3.Don't leave the baby alone in the yard___ .

A on no account;              B on any account;   
C on the account;             D on some account

4.After___to prison, they regret not having taken advice from their parents and friends.
A have sent;                     B have been sent;    
C having sent;                   D being sent

5.Has Jenny's plane landed?No, but it___here in a few minutes.

A may have been;               B ought to be; 
C should have been;            D has to be

6.There are___when you cannot refuse your friend's offer.

 A occasions;  B situations; C chances; D conditions
7.It is essential to be on friendly___with neighbors.

 A connection;   B association; C terms; D relations
8.It is___to make a long train journey to have a look at so beautiful a scene.

 A worth;     B worthwhile;   C worthy; D deserve
9.___in the earthquake, the theatre had to be renovated in 1956.

A Having damaged;               B It was damaged;   
C Damaged;                      D Having been damaged

10.Though___in the city, Mr. Smith enjoyed the peaceful life in the country.

A being born and bred;                B born and bred;  
 C to be born and bred;               D was born and bred

11.He used to take a walk after supper each day,___?

 A did he;    B was he;    C usedn't he; D wasn't he
12.The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly,___.

 A her long hair flowing in the breeze;   
 B her long hair was flowing in the breeze;   
 C her long hair flowed in the breeze;   
 D her long hair flow in the breeze
13.The professor paused as if___his students to ask questions on the point he had just made.

A expecting;   B to expect;  C having expected;  D to have expected

14.We must make some investigations___we can draw any conclusion.

A since;    B before;    C until;    D when

15.The captain received an order that the rescue work___owing to an approaching storm.

A stop;    B stops;    C stopped;    D be stopped

16.You___us about his departure a week ago.

A ought to have told;    B have told;    C had told;    D might as well tell

17.Many a boy___tried, but ___have succeeded.

A have, many;     B has, few;    C has, a few;     D have, a number
18.___after his death that he was recognized as a great composer.
A It is until;    B It was until;    C Not until;    D It was not until

19.The experiment___the discovery of a cure for cancer.

 A set up;    B called off;    C resulted in; D longed for
20.See you later, Jenny. I'm glad___with you for six months.

A to having worked;B to have worked;    C to work;    D to working

21.She looked as if she___miseries of all sorts while telling us her life in the country.

A experienced;    B had experienced;    C experience;    D should experience

22.Jones seems interested in___you have told her.

A all that;    B all what;that;    C this

23.I appreciate___that letter for me

A Tonny to write;    B Tonny write;    C Tonny writing;    D that Tonny write

24.He was___selling military secrets to foreign intelligence agencies.

A charged of;    B accused of;    C approved of;    D deprived of

25.I___like that had you told me the truth earlier.

A would not have done;   B would not do;   C will not do;    D would do

26.To make room for more machinery, the factory___now.

A    is enlarged;   B is to enlarge;    C is to be enlarging;    D is being enlarged

27.A student of average intelligence can be a top student. Cathy is a___in point.

 A example;    B instance; C case; D illustration
28.It was because the applicant was too conceited ___he failed in the interview.

A so;    B that;  C so that;  D therefore

29.She was honest enough to admit___errors in judgment on more than one occasion.

 A to make;    B making;    C to commit; D being committed

30.We firmly ______ in the future victory of the revolution.

 A specialize;  B participate; C believe; D delight
31.He was only one man in the city ______ of lending you £10 000.

 A capable;    B able;   C willing;  D generous
32.We are so busy that we had to ______ our vacation till next month.

 A put away;    B put down;    C put off;  D put out
33.Don’t ______ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

 A reject;    B refuse;   C prevent; D hesitate
34.______ he realized it was too late to return home.

A No sooner it grew dark when;    B Hardly it grew dark than;    C It was not until dark that;    D Before it grew dark

35.I ______ writing the paper had I not run out of ink

A finished;    B have finished;    C had finished;   D would have finished

36.There was no reason ______ the meeting yesterday.

A for you not attend;    B for your not attending;    C for you not to attend;    D for your not to attend

37.Will you ______ that each child gets a copy of the new picture book?

A see;    B observe;    C watch;    D stare

38.One of Bettie’s brothers was killed in action, another ______.
 A takes prisoner;    B took prisoner;  C taken prisoner;    D taking prisoner
39.News got round ______ he had resigned his position as executive secretary of the committee.

A when;    B that;    C which;    D after

40.The visit to the school ______ his memory of his childhood.

A brought about;   B brought in;    C brought forth;    D brought back

41.______ clear was his statement that it couldn’t be misunderstood.

A Too;   B Enough;   C Much;    D So

42.Like ______ other language skills, reading requires practice.

A most of the;     B the most;     C much of the;    D the more

43.Mother asks Sally ______ up as early as usual though it is Sunday.

A gets;    B got;     C had got;     D get

44.______ to Jane’s parents, Tonny looked a bit nervous and upset.

A This being his first visit;    B This being his first time to visit;    C Having never visited before;    D Never having visited
45.The coach, together with his team players, ______ warmly welcomed when they got off the train.

A were;    B was;    C has been;    D be

46.On second day, he had his car thoroughly ______ before embarking on the journey.

 A to be examined;    B being examined; C examined;    D was examined

47.This broadcast comes to us ______ from the stadium.

A lively;    B living;    C alive;    D live

48.______, the little girl did not open the door.

A Not recognizing who the man was;    B Not being recognized who was the man;    C Not recognized who the man was;    D Not recognizing who was the man

49.Jane put forward the proposal that the program ______ until Mr. Power came back from abroad.

A postponed;    B had been postponed;    C be postponed;    D would be postponed

50.There seemed to be no better ______ to their financial problems than the one you had put forward at the meeting.

 A method;    B decision;    C way;  D solution
51.All but Jane and I ______ going to cinema tonight.

A are;    B is;    C am;    D will

52.We all don’t think ______ she left for Boston yesterday.

A that it true;    B it true that;    C it that true;    D that true it

53.He asked her so many times to do it that ______ she did so

A at the end;     B in the end;    C by the end;    D to the end

54.She has changed so much that I could hardly ______ her

 A know;    B realize;    C remember; D recognize

55.You may ______ this magazine home to read, but you’ll have to ______ it back to me tomorrow morning.

A fetch, carry;    B carry, fetch;     C take, bring;    D bring, take

56.Jane is not ______ to attend Sally’s birthday party, for they had a quarrel last Friday.
 A likely;    B possibly; C probably; D willingly
57.One of my teeth is so ______ that it is going to be missing soon.

A lose;    B loose;     C loss;    D lost

58.—How about taking a walk?—Oh, I think it’s ______ cold for a walk.

 A very much;    B too much;    C much too; D so much
59.______ most of the teachers in her school, Miss Lee loves her job and the pupils as well.

A As;    B Like;    C For;    D Being
60.It was in this house ______ the important meeting in history was held
where;that;which;in which
61.She looked so honest that we all regarded her story ______
like true;as true;like real;as real
62.Mrs. Brown as well as her children ______ to go Paris on holiday next week
is;are;will;will be
63.He is training hard, hoping to ______ a new world record
set off;set aside;set up;set out
64.Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot, the _________ movie could not hold our attention.

 A three-hour;    B three-hours; C three-hour’s;    D three-hours’
65._________ number of people were injured in the storm

A The;    B Big;    C A;    D Some

66.My father is used to _________ for half an hour after supper.

 A walk;    B walking;    C the walking;   D have walked
67._________ we hurry up, we won’t be able to catch the last bus.

 A Except;    B Without;    C Even;   D Unless
68._________ the blanket kicked away by the girl, her mother tucked it tightly under her.

A On the time;    B On seeing;    C At seeing;    D At time

69.The company _________ heavy losses during the financial crisis (金融危機(jī)).

70.Her English is very good. She can speak better than _________ in her class.

 A any one;    B the one;    C anyone else; D other student
71.She felt a little nervous because she had never given a speech in _________ before.

 A the public;    B public;    C audience; D in the audience
72._________ his phone number and address, I would have told you.

 A If I would have known;    B If I knew;   C Had I known;    D As I had known
73.If you see Jane, please give my apologies _________ not contacting her.

A about;    B on;    C for;    D at

74.Michael used to look hurt and surprised when _________.

A criticizing;    B to criticize;    C having criticized;    D criticized

75.It was on last Christmas Day _________ the boy got a new bike as a gift.

A when;    B which;    C while;    D that

76._________ so many women received college education as today.

A Never have;    B Never has;    C Never are there;    D Never did

77.The school master looked angrily at the naughty boy while _________ his parents.

 A being talked with;    B having talked with; C talked with;   D talking with
78.Tired of the noise, _________.

A the door was shut;    B the door was being shut;    C he had shut the door;    D he shut the door

79.I have been keeping that portrait _________ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my childhood in London.

A which;    B where;    C whether;    D when

80.I can _________ some noise while I ' m studying, but I can' t stand very loud noise.

A put up with;    B get rid of;    C have effects on;    D keep away from

81.—Would you like to go to the concert with me, Mary?—I have got no interest in it; _________, I have lots of work to do.

 A otherwise;    B besides; C however; D therefore
82.The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage _________ the other car.

A of;    B at;    C to;    D on

83.Surrounded _________ they were by the enemies, they tried to break through.

A as;    B although;    C like;   D even if

84.Society does not in any age prevent a man from _________.

 A what he can be;    B being that he can be; C that he can be;    D being what he can be
85.This hotel _________ $ 60 for a single room with bath.

 A claims;    B demands;    C prices;    D charges
86.It took him several months to _________ the wild horse.

A tend;    B cultivate;    C tame;    D breed

87.Gettysburg was the _________ of the most important battle in the Civil War.

 A landscape;   B view;   C sight;   D scene
88.If I bring in my suit for dry cleaning, is there any chance of _________ ready by tomorrow?

 A it’s being;    B being it;    C being its; D its being
89.We haven’t seen the Swans for over a week. They _________ on a trip abroad.

 A could go;    B must go;    C may have gone; D would have gone
90.Mr. Johnson preferred _________ heavier work to do.

A to be given;    B to be giving;    C to have given;    D having given

91.I felt it a regret _________ you so much.

A to trust;    B to have trusted;    C having trusted;    D to have been trusted

92.She is _________ a musician than her brother.

 A much of;    B much as;    C more of;   D more as
93.Many new _________ will be opened up in the universities.
A pportunities;       B realities;
C necessities;        D probabilities

94.When you are planning a garden party, you’ll have to take the weather into _________.

 A regard;    B account; C counting; D observation
95.I cannot _________ a personal computer now.

A bear;    B charge;    C afford;    D cost

96.People from these countries not only share a _________ language but also similar customs.

 A common;   B usual;   C average;  D general
97.Liquids are like solids _________ they have a definite volume.

 A with, that;   B in ,that;   C for, that; D at ,that
98.The students successfully _________ the answer to the problem.

 A gave up;   B worked out;   C arrived;  D knew
99.The factory is said ___ in a fire two years ago.

A to be destroyed;    B to destroy;    C to have destroyed;    D to have been destroyed

100.The reason for his success is ___ he worked hard.

A why;    B that;    C because;    D for

101.I did not know ___ him or not

A whether to help;    B if to help;    C how to help;    D what to help

102.It was very good ___ him to help us.

103.His parents died when he was young, so he was___ by his aunt

A brought up;    B brought out;    C grown up;    D grown

104.He failed the examination three times but ___ he passed.

A at end;    B at finish;   C at least;    D at last

105.Not only I but also Ted and Mary ___ fond of watching TV.

A am;    B is;     C are;     D be

106.I am sure that ___ you say is true

107.The house is dark, the Browns ___ to bed
A should go;    B should have gone;   C must go;    D must have gone

108.The mother ___ the baby from his deep sleep.

 A aroused;   Brose;   C arose;   D raised
109.The plane ___from the airport and headed north toward Shanghai.

 A took away;    B took up;    C took over; D took off
110.You can’t depend on John to ___ some practical suggestions for increasing sales

 A come up with;    B come up to;   C come to; D come across
111.The factory ___ 1 000 buses each year

 A turns over;   B turns on;    C turns out; D turns into
112.Wood does not conduct electricity;___

A so doesn’t rubber;    B also doesn’t rubber;    C nor does rubber;    D nor rubber does

113.I found ___ to answer all the questions within the time given.

A no possibility;     B there was impossibility;    C impossible;    D it impossible

114.Mrs. Lindon has ___that she is unable to get a job.
A such small education;    B so little education;    C a such little education;    D a so small education

115.___ there is enough snow, we can’t go skiing

A Unless;    B Because;    C As;    D However

116.We want him to retire but he won’t ___ to it

A accept;    B admit;    C agree;   D allow

117.We are going to ___ up for our lost time by taking a short cut.

A make;    B take;   C find;   D put

118.No sooner had we returned home ___ it rained.

A then;    B than;    C when;    D as

119.I ___ an old schoolmate while taking a walk yesterday

 A ran over;   B ran after;   C ran into;  D ran down
120.Salt ___ when it is put in water. The mixture is called a solution.
 A solves;    B disappears;  C mixes; D dissolves
121.We can see a lot of people doing morning exercises in the parks even ___a cold morning.

A on;    B at; Cin;   D during

122.Please ___ me, I didn’t mean to hurt you.

 A apologize;    B recognize; C forgive; D pardon for
123.He didn’t seem to mind ___TV while he was trying to study.

 A their watching;    B them to watch;   C that they watch;    D theirs watching
124.She refused to ___the car keys to her husband until he had promised to wear his safety belt.

 A hand in;    B hand out;    C hand down; D hand over
125.He doesn’t word but he gets a good ___ from his investments.

A wage;    B earning;    C income;   D salary

126.I ___ here for four years, by next summer I shall have graduated.

A shall study;    B have studied;    C shall be studying;    D have been studying

127.Mary learnt how to ___ a bicycle in her childhood

A open;   B ride;   C drive;    D guide

128.He broke the world ___ for the 100 meters.

 A mark;    B level;    C standard;   D record
129.The bridge was named ___ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.

A after;   B with;   C by;   D from

130.I wish I ___ a doctor

A have been;    B am;    C were;    D will be

131.He___ me that he decided to leave on Monday.

A spoke;   B said;    C talked;    D told

132.We can see a lot of people doing morning exercises in the parks even ___ a cold morning.

A on;    B at;    C in;    D during

133.If he ___ to do this work, he might do it in some other way.

A were;    B was;    C will;    D can

134.I ___here for four years, by next summer I shall have graduated

A shall study;    B have studied;    C shall be studying;    D have been studying

135.Mary learnt how to ___ a bicycle in her childhood.

A open;    B ride;    C drive;    D guide

136.The new technique has ___ them to double the production of the factory.

 A enabled;    B made;    C dissuaded; D occupied
137.Please ___me, I didn’t mean to hurt you.

 A apologize;    B recognize; C forgive; D pardon for
138.Everyone used to get up early, ___?

A didn’t they;    B do they;    C didn’t he;    D doesn’t he

139.The girl didn’t go to bed ___ her parents came home

A until;    B unless;    C when;    D as

140.Most part of the world is covered ___ water.

A at;    B in;    C on;     D with

141.We never understood the reason ___ he left us.

A because;    B why;    C unless;    D until

142.She refused to ___ the car keys to her husband until he had promised to wear his safety belt.

 A hand in;    B hand out;    C hand down; D hand over
143.He doesn’t word but he gets a good ___ from his investments

A wage;    B earning;   C income;    D salary

144.Diamond is ___ natural substance which is known.

 A hardest;    B one of hardest;    C harder D the hardest
145.Since her blood pressure is much higher than it should be, her doctor insists that she __ smoke.

 A will not;    B does not;    C gives up; D not
146.This is the largest bridge ___.

 A having been built;     B ever built; C building;    D to build
147.It was in this room ___ I met her for the first time.

A which;    B where;    C that;    D and

148.___ there is enough snow, we can’t go skiing.

A Unless;    B Because;   C As;   D However

149.During the past ten years, great changes___ here.

 A had happened;    B have been happened; C having happened;    D have taken place
150.His parents died when he was young, so he was ___ by his aunt.

A brought up;    B brought out    C ;grown up;    D grown

151.There was a small ___ of sugar in the cup.

A amount;    B number;    C size;    D parts

152.Difficult ___ the task is, I won’t give it up.

A although;    B as;   C however;   D while

153.I’m sorry to have kept you ___.

 A waited;    B wait;    C to wait;   D waiting
154.One cannot think of Africa without ___ Egypt

 A thinking of;    B think of; C regarding; D considering
155.Please write a___essay about this war.

A 1000-words;          B 1000words;
C 1000-words’;        D 1000-word

156.The house is dark, the Browns ___ to bed.

A should go;     B should have gone;   C must go;    D must have gone

157.By the time the course ends, ___ a lot about Britain.

A we’ll learn;    B we are learning;    C we have learnt;    D we’ll have learnt

158.This boy can be saved provided ___ at once.

 A treating;    B treatment;    C treated; D to be treated
159.The factory is said ___ in a fire two years ago

A to be destroyed;    B to destroy;    C to have destroyed;    D to have been destroyed

160.X-rays can ___ out what’s wrong with someone.

 A be used to finding;    B be used to find; C used to find;    D be used for find
161.There was a road accident this morning. Both cars are ___ repair.

A outside;   B over;    C beyond;    D above

162.I expect you all to ___ your work while I am away.

 A get in;    B get on;   C get on with;   D get with
163.The factory ___ 1 000 buses each year.

 A turns over;    B turns on;    C turns out; D turns into
164.A new teaching plan was ___ by a young teacher.

 A put forward;    B put on;   C put off;  D put up
165.I regret to say I’m not used to___ like that.

 A be treated;    B treating;    C treat; D being treated
166.Statistics is a discipline___ all the other science.

A affected;    B affecting;    C to be affected;    D being affected

167.As a result of the accident, the police ___ the driver’s license.

A sentenced;          B reconsidered;
C investigated;       D canceled

168.They have worked out a method ___ the agricultural production could be raised on a large scale.

 A which;    B by which;    C with which;  D of which
169.It is very unkind to ___ a person in front of friends who normally respect him.

A ashamed;    B fault;    C blame;   D praise

170.He ___ criticized his wife for everything she did.

 A continually; B steadily; C continuously; D currently
171.I wish I ___yesterday.

 A come;    B have come;    C had come;  D would come
172.Because of my poor English I’m afraid I can’t make myself___.

 A understand;      B to understand;    C understanding;     D understood
173.To succeed in a scientific research project ___.

 A one needs to be persistent;    B persistence is needed;    C one needs be a persistent person;    D persistence is what one needs
174.Being college students of new China, we should never fail to ___ the expectation of the Party and the people.

A make use of;    B give rise to;    C get rid of;    D live up to

175.You can’t depend on John to ___ some practical suggestions for increasing sales.

A come up with;    B come up to;    C come to;    D come across

176.Mary is the most ___ secretary I’ve ever had.

 A efficiency;    B efficient; C effect; D affect
177.It is ___ that he will come at midnight.

A maybe;    B lovely;   C lively;    D likely

178.Many things ___ impossible in the past are common now.

A considered;    B considering;    C to consider;    D to be considered

179.I am sure that ___ you say is true.

A who;    B what;    C which;    D
180.I did not know ___ him or not.

A whether to help;     B if to help;    C how to help;    D what to help

181.The plane ___ from the airport and headed north toward Shanghai.

 A took away;    B took up;    C took over; D took off
182.Mrs. Lindon has ___that she is unable to get a job

A such small education;    B so little education;    C a such little education;    D a so small education

183.You would prefer visiting the city to staying at home, ___?

 A won’t you;     B do you;    C would you; D wouldn’t you
184.His doctor suggested that he ___ a short trip abroad.

 A will take;    B would take;    C take; D took
185.___ reading the book yet?

A  Have you finished;    B Were you finishing;   C Had you finished;    D Are you finishing

186.I still remember the days___ I spent in this village.

A when;    B that;    C as;    D while

187.I’m afraid ___ nothing I can do about it.

A it is;    B there is;    C that is;   D is

188.I’m sorry to say that she has ___ his offer.

A put down;    B broken down;   C turned down;    D kept down

189.To our ___, the patient got well quickly.

 A pleasure;    B please;   C pleasing; D pleased
190.Mr. Brown is ___ a bit pale today.

 A being;    B appearing;    C seeming; D looking
191.The train began ___ speed after leaving the station.

A to pull up;    B to put up;    C to pick up;    D to take up

192.Doctors are to stay calm ___ emergency.

A in case of;    B instead of;    C in honour of;    D in front of

193.The question ___ now has nothing to do with our teaching.

A discussing;    B to be discussed;    C being discussed;    D discussed

194.The room is not comfortable___.

 A to live;     B live in;     C to live in; D living in
195.Mathematics ___ never been my favorite subject.

A is;    B have;     C has;     D are

196.It is impossible to finish the task ____.

A in such sort a time;     B in so a short time;     C in such a short time;     D in a so short time

197.A lot of foreign visitors can’t help ___ by the Great Wall in China

A impressing;    B impressed;    C to be impressed;    D being

198.Since so many people are ___, I suggest the discussion be put off till next week

A lack;     B absent;    C present;   D scare

199.I remember ___ the story before.

 A being told;   B to tell;    C to be told; D told
200.He tried to learn Japanese but soon get tired of it and ___.

A gave it up;    B gave it away;   C gave it back;    D gave it off

201.Only when you are eighteen ___ expect to find a job in China.

A you can;    B you’ll be able to;    C can you;    D did you

202.You can’t depend on John to ____ some practical suggestions for increasing sales.

 A come up with;   B come up to;    C come to; D come across
203.One of the men ___ when she came in

 A slept;    B was sleeping;    C has slept; D had slept
204.By eleven o’clock yesterday, we ___ at the airport

A had arrived;    B have arrived;    C shall arrive;    D arrive

205.Professor Bill had us all ___ our names on a piece of paper.

 A written;    B to write;    C be writing; D write
206.There was so much noise the speaker couldn’t make himself _____.

A hearing;   B to hear;    C heard;    D being heard

207.Kuwait is one of ___ oil producers in the world.

 A the most as big as;    B most biggest;  C much bigger than;    D the biggest
208.Mother probably ____ your slippers upstairs, dad. Shall I ____ them for you?

 A has brought,take;    B carried,fetch; 
 C has taken,bring;     D has taken,bring
209.___ we have finished the course, we shall take a new one.

 A Now that;    B Since that;    C Since now; D By now
210.___ the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.

A As;   B For;    C Because of;    D Since that








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